Re: Mini-DebConf Marseille -- videoteam sprint
On 2019-04-10 11:50, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> > There is a good chance that we'll be able to have "moments" of access
> > prior to that, in order to verify exactly what there is on site,
> > what we need to get…
> That would be very nice. If we can scout the location beforehand it will
> help us identify possible roadblocks like:
> * network access issues
> * camera location
> * projector compatibility
The projector will be available beforehand, independantly from
the venue.
The network is going to be set up by us.
Only the WAN is imposed.
Jérémy Lecour - Responsable technique Evolix - Clé PGP: F2D3E9D713FFDD52
Evolix - Hébergement et Infogérance Open Source
Marseille (37 rue Guibal, Pôle Média, 13003) / Aix / Paris / Montréal | Twitter: @Evolix @EvolixNOC |
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