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Re: Mini-DebConf Marseille -- videoteam sprint

On 2019-04-09 23:28, Gregory Colpart wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 05, 2019 at 05:34:31PM -0400, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> > Oh, and I forgot, do you know when we can start setting up at the venue?
> > 
> > I guess we'll have access to the room Friday in the afternoon, but it'd
> > be nice to have as much time as possible since we might have to deal
> > with some surprises along the road.
> I will see with Jérémy (in Cc:) who is in contact with the owner of the
> mini-conf venue.

The main room (auditorium) won't be available until the beginning
of the afternoon on Friday.

There is a good chance that we'll be able to have "moments" of access
prior to that, in order to verify exactly what there is on site,
what we need to get…

Tell me what you have in mind and I'll make sure to have answers.

Jérémy Lecour - Responsable technique Evolix - Clé PGP: F2D3E9D713FFDD52
Evolix - Hébergement et Infogérance Open Source
Marseille (37 rue Guibal, Pôle Média, 13003) / Aix / Paris / Montréal
http://evolix.com | Twitter: @Evolix @EvolixNOC | http://blog.evolix.com

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