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[Debconf-video] Preparing for DC16

Hey videoteam!

I had the fortune to meet tumbleweed at LibrePlanet during the weekend
and he told me we still had a lot to do to prepare video for DC16...

>From what I remember we need to:

1) Decide if we ship everything from Paris to Cape Town or rent stuff there

2) Make a budget accordingly

3) Decide what software stack we'll use

Here's what I think:


Since CT is quite far from Paris and we are quite late for boat
shipping, I think the best would be shipping essential stuff (cameras,
the new boards replacing the twinpacts, laptops) and rent out/ buy the
rest (sound mixers, microphones) .


Tiago worked with the CCC reviewing software last year at DC15 and it
seemed to work quite nicely. Should we keep veyepar?

I'm not as good on a technical level as some of you may be (yet!), but
I'm happy to help out with human related stuff.

Oh, and last thing, we should really have a meeting soon to try to iron
out some of the things. I'll wait for replies and send a link later this


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