Re: [Debconf-video] both of the two full mirrors are down
Holger Levsen dijo [Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 06:14:45PM +0200]:
> > Ok. I am *almost* sure I can store this in my current Dreamhost plan —
> > It would not be on machines under my administration, but it is space I
> > am currently paying for, and not really using. Do you want to try?
> how much space do you have there now?
My hosting plan says "space:unlimited". I am currently using
~100GB. And... At some point I saw I was below 10% of the allowed
quota. Of course, as it's not me pushing the bytes, it won't hurt me
to sync up a full mirror and see if any red flags come up. But I will
only do it if you (as the visible head of the video team — maybe
because of the funny hair?) give me an OK.
> > Of course, if you have a reason to prefer not to have it on a shared
> > service provider, I won't hate or despise you :) (in fact, you still
> > get hugs from me).
> its definitly not ideal & definitly *hugs* to you too!
Well, at least DH runs currently based on Debian (and although they
are switching to Ubuntu, it's still free software).
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