Re: [Debconf-video] Fwd: Flumotion videomixer
> Hi,
> more to come next week(end)... (this weekend is dedicated to
> and cleaning my inbox ;)
> Just one thing: flumotion looks indeed very promising, at FOSDEM we discussed
> to try to use it, if we figure out how, before dc7. Otherwise we have last
> years setup as a fallback.
I don't think this helps us anything at all.
1) It only allows an image to be overlayed, not a 2nd video stream
2) (assuming your talking about 1 stream for slides and 1 live video stream)
For live streaming the mixing should be done at the receiving end, not at
the sending end. This allows for displaying the streams in seperate windows,
overlayed, or any other way the user would want.
3) for DVD creation overlaying does not need to be realtime, so we can
store both streams and overlay them afterwarts when creating the DVD.
Peter (p2).
Goa is a state of mind
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