Hi, at FOSDEM Neill, Ben and I set together and made up a time and a date for a video team meeting, which is scheduled to be tomorrow, monday, 12th at 20 UTC on #debconf-video on irc.debian.org (OFTC). The fault not to announce this earlier, is mine, I'm sorry. I think we should hold this meeting, even with so short notice. If many of you cannot attend, we can still discuss the plan with those who are there, and you can read backlog and we can schedule yet another meeting soon after. (But I would prefer not to schedule one soon after, I already have three debconf meetings this week...) The agenda is here: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf7/Meetings#Agenda_for_the_video_team_meeting.2C_monday.2C_march_12.2C_20_UTC The plan we came up with at FOSDEM is documented in the wiki as well: http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf7/videoteam/Setup regards, Holger
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