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Re: Photo policy for DebConf

On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 04:56:00AM +0000, Ulrike Uhlig wrote:
> Furthermore, I would like to see a policy in which BoFs may be
> explicitly choses by the participants to be no-photo zones, on top of
> being marked as "non-recorded".


Anything which requires a photographer to check a list at the moment of
the photo just does not work. A good photo often can only be taken in a
split second; to have to check a list if person X is happy with it, or
if the event in room Y at time Z is okay would kill the moment.

If you do not want to be on a photo, a lanyard idea (which applies to a
small group of people only) seems like a good idea; it allows a
photographer to see, while taking the photo, that there is one person in
that photo who would prefer not to be photographed, and they can
proceed. Obviously this would not work when the group of people is large
(like a photo in the hacklab of everyone in the room; you cannot
reasonably expect photographers to check everyone in a room with 100
people before taking a photo).

A room which is explicitly marked as "no photos in this room please"
would work too. You can have signs at the entraces to that room, and
anyone going in would know to leave their cameras at the door (or, at
least, to switch them off).

But to have some BoFs marked as "photos okay", and then the next BoF in
the same room be marked as "photos not okay" is just unworkable, and
effectively forbids photos alltogether.

I can imagine people who do not like to be photographed might think that
this is okay, but it is not; photos are an important way to show what
happens at an event to the world, and we do need them, if only for the
sponsorship report at the end of a debconf.

Could you people please use IRC like normal people?!?

  -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008

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