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Re: [DebConf18] Budget Approval Request [2018-06]

Hi Yao Wei,

Please excuse my quick reply so we can possibly avoid waiting another
24 hours.

> * Increase the budget for bursaries from 60,000 USD to 70,000 USD

I understand that a number of people have had their bursary request
denied already. How will raising the budget figure into that? In
addition, how much will this help accomodate more people?

> * Increase swags estimation from 350 people to 420 people.

On what basis?

> * We will also sell used bed sets to students, so we are factoring this
>   in.  (We can remove this if this is inappropriate)

I don't understand what this is and/or why it might be inappropriate.

> * Add NCHC into income factor

(This is https://www.nchc.org.tw?)

In addition to addressing the questions above please provide the
overall/net difference between this budget and the previous one on the
bottom line. Again, apologies for terse reply.

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb, Debian Project Leader
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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