Re: [Debconf-team] Canadian border problems
On 02/05/17 18:02, Carl Karsten wrote:
> I have plenty of fist hand experience with Canadian boarder guards.
> Summary: The less you say the better. You are attending a Linux
> conference. the end.
> You are not "working" with or for it or anything that might sound like
> work. "volunteering" is work. If you hint that you might help out the
> reg desk, it is their job to get things evaluated by the labor dept that
> understands the labor market etc and that takes a minimum of 3 days.
> As long as you don't leave the country with a bag of money they don't
> care what you did at the conference.
> My wife spoke at PyCon in Montreal. That fact got her a round of
> questions, mostly "are you being paid to speak?" - I would avoid
> saying anything other than "attending."
This is a lot more hassle than what people experience traveling in
Europe these days. Is it relatively worse now post-Trump or in relation
to any other factors?
Is there any helpful way this could be put on the web site?
> DebConf is not the droids they are looking for.
> If pressed for details, I would not lie.
So if they ask "what do you think of border guards who take up your time
and don't pay for it", assert your right to silence?
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