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Re: [Debconf-team] Event "tracks" (was: talk submissions: wafertest vs. summit)

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Michael Banck <mbanck@debian.org> wrote:

I've organized the science track at DebConf10, and back then I actively
reached out to prospective speakers and assembled a schedule.  I think
we had an afternoon for us in one room.

If we'd do that, I think tracks are quite worthwhile.

Agreed. This is IMHO a very good use of tracks. It requires someone to step up and be the person responsible for the successful creation of a track, and go out into the world and look for speakers. I'll call that "own"ing a track; you could equivalently call it the "directly responsible individual" or "track editor" or so forth.

This often results in a more interesting, and more diverse in content, and sometimes more diverse in demographics, conference. Michael, thanks for bringing up your interesting DC10 Science track example.

If people have ideas for tracks, I could possibly be convinced to do "own" one such track, which would mean doing the work of finding speakers who can talk interestingly on topics within that track. I'd love to hear about people's ideas for tracks.

I suspect that I can find other people interested in "own"ing tracks, too.

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