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Re: [Debconf-team] Please review and approve budget

Hello Martin,

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:13:59PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> Dear chairs,
> following tonight's meeting, I've committed the latest budget
> proposal. I would *really* appreciate if you could review and
> approve this within the next 10 days and recommend to Lucas to do
> the same. We need to make some decisions that require an approved
> budget *this* month.
Noted and working on this.

> The notable changes I made in response to the decisions in the
> meeting were:
> 1. Add a new item for travel sponsorship of DebConf-only volunteers
>    (+3k) and re-allocate funds to meet that.
> I took 5k from video because so far I met noone that could explain
> how 10k would be used by the video team. If new hardware needs to be
> bought, I suggest that this be done on Debian funds where it can be
> properly amorticised.
There is a video meeting scheduled, let's see if this picture changes
after that.
> This means an additional 2k were freed up.
> 2. 1k of those freed up 2k went to the invited speakers budget, as
>    they are expected to cover room&board themselves.
I'm assuming that "they" here is the Content team, right?
> 3. 500 € went to a new budget line for post-conf expenses relating
>    to the DC15 legal entity. This is a new item, undiscussed, and
>    I want it.
Ok, no problem.

Although "I want it" is usually not a valid justification, I'm sure
there is one. So just for the sake of transparency, could you elaborate
more on that? As it is a new and undiscussed item, describing those
kind of expenses would would assure that everyone is in the same page.

> 4. 500 € went into unforeseen expenses.
> 5. Given that we managed to acquire a platinum sponsor just before
>    the meeting, I updated the worst-case expense scenario and
>    brought it closer to the base case. 18k of those 20k went to
>    travel (see above, it was raised from 15k to 33k). The rest was
>    spread into incidentals, insurance, and consultancy costs.
> If there are open questions, please find me on IRC.
Will do.



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