Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 14 bid for Portland, OR, US
Holger Levsen <> writes:
> Hi,
> On Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>> On the other hand I'm concerned that once again changing fundamental
>> parts of the bid after the decision is shown as a normal thing that
>> happens each year again. I agree that everything should be still
>> changeable even much later than the bid meeting, but it should not be
>> done without very good reasons to do so. Not just because it has been
>> done previously.
>> If people don't like parts of a bid they should not expect that these
>> things will change afterwards anyway, but voice their concerns before
>> the bid is accepted.
> so, then concern is voiced (and gets forgetten as the bid gets accepted) and
> then the bid should be unchangable? thats silly. OTOH, it's totally normal to
> change the plan as we go and change it _for good reasons_ and we do other
> things according to plan, for _similar good reasons_.
The silly thing here from my POV is to forget the concerns after they
are voiced. If there are major concerns the bid should be accepted under
the condition that these parts are subject to change and should be
revaluated as soon as possible.
> and, a lot depends on money / costs and who pays them (eg venues at dc11 and
> dc9 were not paid by us), and who can sign which contracts when...
> of course, a debconf planned well in advance going that plan would be a
> wonderful thing, but I dont think we will ever see it. which doesnt mean, we
> should not plan, quite the contrary, we should plan better. but this includes
> expecting changes.
I completely agree that there will always be necessary changes. If you
read my statement that we should avoid changes even if we all mostly
agree that changing things is better, then that's not what I wanted to
say. What I'm opposing is that radical changes are regarded as so normal
and common that people don't even bother to oppose to something they
don't like under the assumption that it will be changed later anyway. At
least that was my impression from the discussion we had about some
things regarding DC13.
So for example if you want a certain localteam to organize DebConf
because you think they are more up to the task but don't like their
proposed venue, then say so immediately so that the team can take this
into account instead of only after a lot of work on negotiations with the
venue has been done.
In addition my concern is more about changes that are because of
different judgments or personal preferences rather than changes that have
to be done because of changing external factors. If I change has to be
done because something changed which is beyond our control we probably
all agree that it's a necessary evil and we have to find the best
solution actually available to us.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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