Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 14 bid for Portland, OR, US
"Giacomo A. Catenazzi" <> writes:
> On 02/11/2013 07:27 PM, Steve Langasek wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:31:56AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
>> Well, comparing with the bid checklist I think it's still very rough - we
>> may have venue+accom pricing, but there are a lot of important details
>> (food, network room, 24h access, handicap accessibility) that aren't yet
>> filled in at all, and I think that several of these points could scuttle
>> this venue choice if they don't turn out in our favor; so I am planning to
>> follow through on getting more complete data in time for this extended
>> deadline. (Preferably by dividing and conquering among the local team. :)
> OTOH you should not put much weight on this (and I think morray is
> preparing a shorter list). From the bid to the DebConf the venue (and
> most of DebConf things) could change, so I would interpret such question
> in a generic way:
> food: usual prices and availability of different food plans.
> network: in generic way: just to know the possible problems (Martinique,
> Le Camp and Portland have very different network problems:backbones on
> the first, isolated location (one cable) to the second, and university
> (existing network who cannot be really hacked??).
> BTW I don't mean that you should ignore the problems, but be prepared to
> change program and venue, so possibly exact plan are not yet usefull.
I agree that the current list has too much focus on details that are not
very relevant in some parts. Apply common sense here.
On the other hand I'm concerned that once again changing fundamental
parts of the bid after the decision is shown as a normal thing that
happens each year again. I agree that everything should be still
changeable even much later than the bid meeting, but it should not be
done without very good reasons to do so. Not just because it has been
done previously.
If people don't like parts of a bid they should not expect that these
things will change afterwards anyway, but voice their concerns before
the bid is accepted. In that sense a good presentation of the main parts
of the proposal (venue, accomodation, finances come to mind) is
important so that people can actually evaluate the proposal before a
decision is taken. I hope that we are able to learn from that past and
avoid a situation like we had for DC13.
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~ Samuel Beckett ~
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