Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 14 bid for Portland, OR, US
Hi Steve,
Steve Langasek dijo [Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 01:20:38PM -0800]:
> Hi folks,
> In response to Moray's prompting on d-d-a, I'm writing to confirm that we
> are interested in putting forth a bid to host DebConf14 in Portland, OR.
> The bid page is still a bit light on logistical details, but we have a
> prospective lead on space associated with Portland State University which we
> believe would be a good fit for a DebConf.
> I know the bid process for this year is generally behind schedule. Can the
> DebConf team please provide a deadline for completion of
> <> for Portland to be
> considered?
Hi, Steve and Portland team,
Sorry for answering this so late. This at least makes the impression
that the bid process is not so much behind schedule (hey, this is
still early 2013!)
We will (most likely) be formally announcing Feb28 as the deadline for
presenting the bids in a couple of hours at most. I see the Wiki page
is mostly filled-in, with some minor points still missing (but not
*everything* has to be detailed, I guess).
Just for completeness, please update the main DC14 Wiki to show the
proposal is not anymore in the early stages:
If you can get some pricing previsions regarding food, I'd say your
proposal is in great shape.
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