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Re: [Debconf-team] reports from Le Camp "BSP", part 3: irc meeting(s) on the internet

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 02:24:01PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:

> If we dont manage to decide in the next 14 days, I personally think that it 
> will be very hard/unrealistic to gather sponsors in 2012 and if we fail to do 
> that, things will definitly become considerably more difficult. At the end of 
> the year there is quite some easy to get money floating around, but one needs 
> to apply for this earlier.

Venues shouldn't influence the majority of the sponsorship, should it?

> > But unfortunately it's premature to make any "final"
> > decision until there is at least one plausible option presented,
> > including among other things a plausible budget.
> The budgets we had at Le Camp were/are IMO plausibe, have they still not been 
> added to svn?

I don't think that's agreed.  Any budget which remotely looks close
has ZERO travel sponsorship.  (and the best budget anyone has produced
still have deficits, despite assuming 50% more sponsorship than last

My last email had a kind-of-fallback plan plan for lecamp, but that
involves no attendees.  Any plan that kind of makes it work involves
huge amounts of sponsorship, or moving a large portion of the costs
onto attendees.  Since that time, there are lots of doubts raised
about getting this many professional attendees.

I think it's worth asking if any of these will be affordable, and
(more usefully) what tradeoffs we'd have to make at different levels
of fundraising: 50% more than last year, 100% more than last year, and
so on.

> > > Surely one can look for dc13 sponsors now as the situation is
> > Yes -- as has been said, it's late already.  And the best way to show
> > that any of the possible Swiss budgets are plausible would be to quickly
> > get some promises of cash from non-repeat sponsors, to demonstrate that
> > we can expect the sponsorship income to be greater than the last few
> > years.
> we already have 46k secured for Le Camp, quite very probably 51k. Thats way 
> more then ever. (I do actually miss some applause here.)

I am guessing that 40 kCHF comes from the "anonymous donors".  No one
has talked about this yet, but this I have gathered that this isn't a
"donation", this is a loan to be repaid later... not that dissimilar
to what Debian provides once we have a reasonable budget.

And, while the donors nominally say we can keep it if we need it, what
I head said they want it back before _before_ travel sponsorship... so
even if we decide to use the money to fill a deficit, it can't be used
for travel sponsorship.  Also, if these donors feel they misjudged the
financial risk of this lending, then it could produce bad blood...

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 36 days, 8:36
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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