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Re: [Debconf-team] city taxes?

Hi Daniel,

Le vendredi, 7 décembre 2012 18.49:17, Daniel Pocock a écrit :
> Some European cities brought in `city tax' on hotel accommodation last year

Indeed. That's usual in (all ?) Swiss cantons too. in our case, the "Règlement 
d'exécution de la loi sur le tourisme" of Canton Neuchâtel [0] applies. See 
Chapter 3. "Taxe de séjour". The taxes vary widely depending on the type of 
accomodation and I can't know what amount is due by LeCamp.

> Have we got anything in the contract with Le Camp to specify that the
> cost of unforeseen new taxes will not be added onto the price we pay?

We do. The contract links to their general terms and conditions [1] and their 
prices sheet [2]. The latter mentions "Power and all taxes included", so these 
"city taxes" are explicitely covered in the prices agreed as part of the 



[0] http://rsn.ne.ch/ajour_51/dati/f/s/933201.htm
[1] http://www.lecamp.ch/pdf/conditionsE.pdf
[2] http://www.lecamp.ch/pdf/tarifE.pdf

P.S. On an unrelated matter (and I'm mentioning it for sake of transparency), 
note that we explictely agreed on amending the "Power included" statement of 
the prices sheet with specific conditions in the contract that allows LeCamp 
to bill us for additional energy. This is budgeted, of course.

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