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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf13-localteam] Le Camp Contract


4880 per day inc VAT or ex VAT?

All prices mentioned are with VAT included.
I just want this to be stated on the contract.

DebCamp, 7 nights, 100 people paying lowest rate, 100x7x20 = 14000
DebConf, 6 nights, 300 people paying multiple rates, 300x7x24 = 50400
=> total = 64,400
=> average = 64,400 / 13 = 4954 per night ex VAT

It seems very close to the minimum target

btw. this is also including VAT!
Yes, that's similar to my calculations for the budget.
I assume that we will most likely be below the minimum amount of 13x4880.


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