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Re: [Debconf-team] And regarding the Penta replacement

Hi Mario,

thanks for joining the conversation!

On Mittwoch, 15. August 2012, Mario Manno wrote:
> I'm maintaining the "katastrophie" frab fork. We used that one for the
> SIGINT12 conference and I'm currently working towards a CCC-wide frab
> installation.

cool. Do you think/know whether this years cccongress will already use frab?

> I hope we can find some common grounds during the developer meeting at
> the FroScon. It would be great to add a plugin system for example.

Oh yeah. Do you know "happy" David, the original author, is with your fork? Do 
you (both) have plans to merge that (soon)? Cause we're just starting with 
frab and atm its at least unclear to me, which fork we should take and I'd 
prefer to not fork at all.

Regarding froscon: will the frab developer meeting happen on saturday or 
sunday (or both)?

> Since I'm maintaining media.ccc.de I' really interested in your video
> related features. Linking and embedding video recordings in the schedule
> would be great.

It is :) I'll be happy to show our workflow+tools to you.
> At least for my branch I'd expect the penta import feature to be broken.
> Once the new hardware is running I'm going to fix this.

ok, we basically decided to go without importing old data - mostly because we 
believe we did too many changes to the schema and thus we believe it wont work 
well anyway.
> https://github.com/katastrophie/frab/issues

Is there a mailinglist as well?


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