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[Debconf-team] front desk related documents (ledger/food ticket sales)


I have made some documents which could be useful to the front desk.  I
expect people on site will want to change both of them before using
them, since

The first is a daily ledger, to use to keep track of all money that
goes into and out of the front desk cash box.  It's designed to have
one per day, that we will reconcile each day.


The second is a sheet that can be use to track meal ticket sales.  You
all probably will want to change this, since I'm not really sure what
is practical or not.  It has some instructions on it, but I worry it
may be too complicated.  For example, now that I think about it, you
might want a separate cash pile to make food ticket change out of, so
that you minimize the risk of getting the front desk cash box amount
wrong in all the madness of rapid ticket sales.


Anyway, these are just to get something started, to encourage better
tracking this year than past years.

Henning is the on-site accountant and can work to make the actual


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 1075 days, 16:46
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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