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Re: [Debconf-team] Before opening the registration with Penta...

Holger Levsen dijo [Sun, Apr 01, 2012 at 10:34:45AM +0200]:
> > As I said, I'm leaving on a mini-vacation this Monday, and returning
> > by Thursday, so if nobody says anything, I'll just push my changes
> > tomorrow night (UTC-5).
> please push them today! :)

I'll try - but there is some divergence right now on what should be
done :) In any case, I'm leaving it in shape so that any DebConf admin
can do it. You would just have to 'git pull' from skinner's
/org/penta/www, and run in psql dc-penta/20120330_add_deb_roles.sql -
So if I cannot do it, please don't refrain from doing so!

> > - Debian roles - I'm including the following, mainly aiming at getting
> >   numbers for statistics (nothing should be decided upon them):
> "Otherwise involved in Debian" would probably be interesting to have split 
> more... artist, translator, legal supporter, dc12 localteam :)

(answered in my previous mail)

> > - DebConf roles: We _will_ use these for deciding some stuff. Am I
> >   missing anything? Is there anything that should not be there?
> i think thats fine just btw, we don't have "speaker" here. which IMO only 
> would make sense, if people can have multiple roles.

Well, I thought of this as "what do you intend to do" - Being a
speaker is an activity that gets added to any of the available roles
in the moment you submit it :) Also, we *could* reject a talk (or at
least not pre-schedule it), so the attendee does not get to choose

> And then, we should have a disclaimer, that we are _aiming for_ enough 
> sponsorship to be able to sponsor food+accom... (which might be(come) the 
> reason why we cannot sponsor both...)

Will add it, right.

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