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[Debconf-team] CfP, which deadline?


the meetbot log is very short on this subject, it basically refers to 
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/CallForPapers and says that Gunnar 
will head the team sending out the CfP this weekend.

Said wiki page lacks any date, I wonder which dates to choose.

DebConf10 had:

- 2010/03/14: cfp sent to d-d-a
- 2010/04/25: final cfp reminder
- 2010/05/01: cfp deadline
- can't find the date when the schedule was first posted
  (this has to happen as early as possible as people *do* adjust
   their travel plans based on the schedule... etc... schedule is also
   good to aqquire sponsors, for us, in theory only though.)
- 2010/08/01 debconf10 started

So this year DebConf starts a week earlier and we are already 2 weeks past the 
time when last year we published the cfp.

So, if we send out the CfP this weekend, april 1st-3rd, when should the 
deadline for submitting papers be? May 8th? May 15th? 


P.S.: we could also discuss this content wise, ie, do we want to especially 
ask for contributions about certain topics? If so, which? 

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