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[Debconf-team] Invoicing attendees


Since DC9, the way I have requested invoices from attendees is.  The
only reason I do it this way because it is what I was told during DC9,
and haven't rethought it since then.

- Attendee requests an invoice, provides name and address of the party
  that should be invoiced.

- I request an invoice from either SPI or FFIS, depending on who they
  have or will send money to.

- Wait anywhere from a day or two to weeks for the invoice to come

- If it takes to long, ping SPI/FFIS treasurer again and request it be

- Once we get the invoice back, send it to the attendee.

This can result in very long delays in getting the invoice back, as
the treasurers are very busy.  For some people, they need an invoice
from FFIS or SPI, since it is useful for tax purposes.  Some may need
it for getting reimbursed, which *might* be more flexible, depending
on their employer.  Since Debian and DebConf are not separate legal
entities, its invoices may be of limited use?

So my questions to this list is: Is there a better way to do this?
Some ideas:

- Make invoices from DebConf, and ignore the fact that it is not a
legal entity, and the money is actually going to FFIS/SPI.  Is this a
financially sound thing to do?

- Provide payment receipts from DebConf, confirming receipt of payment
  and indicating the legal organization which received the payment.
  This could have different levels of formality - a quick email would
  not be hard to do, and if it could satisfy most cases, it would be

  (This happens automatically with click&pledge payments - payers get
  an email from c&p saying they paid.  It is not as good for tax
  purposes as an invoice, but...)

I am sure there are other ideas - hopefully we can streamline this for
future years.


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 742 days, 5:48
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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