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Re: [Debconf-team] Hotel reservations

On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 02:59:44PM +0200, NVO DIVA wrote:

> Can you please tell us is this the final number and is the number we
> are looking at correct:

I made a small correction.  Remember, this is number of *people*, not
number of rooms.  Updates will still be at the same place...

Statistics for all people
Number of people: 471
Number of people with accom: 245
Number of people without accom: 226
Total person-room-days: 2302

2011-07-16(Sat)     0
2011-07-17(Sun)    44
2011-07-18(Mon)    59
2011-07-19(Tue)    67
2011-07-20(Wed)    78
2011-07-21(Thu)    88
2011-07-22(Fri)   103
2011-07-23(Sat)   189
2011-07-24(Sun)   239
2011-07-25(Mon)   241
2011-07-26(Tue)   241
2011-07-27(Wed)   242
2011-07-28(Thu)   239
2011-07-29(Fri)   235
2011-07-30(Sat)   199
2011-07-31(Sun)     0

Thank you,

- Richard Darst

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 716 days, 11:47
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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