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Re: [Debconf-team] Letter from NGO DIVA


Thank you for your information.  This is a very brief reply, since it
is getting late there.  I will look over the hotel and budget
information overnight, and have a reply for you in the morning with
more details.

For now, though, I have a few more questions to use when preparing a
plan overnight.

On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 09:53:58PM +0200, NVO DIVA wrote:

> DIVA made a block reservation of these hotels couple of months ago,
> Vidovic and Palas are completely reserved from 24th to 31st.
> Hotel Vidovic - capacity they gave us:
> 60 people in case they are in room by themselves in double beds.
> or
> 101 people in case they are two or more people in those same rooms as
> they have rooms with more beds.

We had discussed rooms before.  Does "double" mean "one wide bed" and
"twin" mean "two beds in a room" ?  We can't have more than one person
in a bed, for the most part.

What is the bed arrangement for the 101 rooms?  This doesn't seem to
match what we have on our page:

> Hotel Palas - capacity they gave us:
> 69 rooms: 18 double and 49 single

Are the 18 double rooms with two beds, or one big bed?

> Hotel Bosna is 17th to 31st and capacity we have with them is 80
> double and 40 twin, and it can all be used as single bed.

This is a total of 160 people, with one person per bed (twin room =
two beds).  Is this correct?

I will work overnight to make a suggestions for which hotels to
reserve for what time frame, and I will let you know tomorrow.

We have a team which assigns rooms.  If we give them a list of rooms,
they will assign people to rooms based on their preferences, teams, etc.

> We cancelled the organized transport as it's too complicated because
> people are arriving every single day. The only person/group we will
> send the transport for is Otavio. Venue is a very pricey building and
> it's cultural center of Banja Luka we have it rented for 2 weeks
> (including security) for 100.000km, also please do note that it was
> not easy to rent this building as it was given to us on DIVA's
> reputation.

I will add 100.000km to our budget.

Can you clarify some of these other expenses you mentioned in your
last email?:

- Food

  Is it 7.5€ per meal ?  Can we pay for a different number of people
  each day?  Often times, because people are up late, we will only
  arrange lunch and dinner.

- DayTrip

  What are the costs of this?  How much for buses?  Is there an
  entrance fee?  How much for food during it?  How much for other

- T-Shirts/bags/printing

  Do you know how much this will be?

- use of pools

  Which pools are these?  Are these part of the hotel?  Is it an
  option to not use the pools?

- transport and accommodation for reputable guests from Google
  and Canonical

  These people should be regular attendees, and do not need more
  expensive accommodations.  In the past, these speakers have always
  been normal attendees.  They probably don't need fancy transport,
  either.  I know of the Google speakers - I'm not sure exactly who
  might be included in Canonical attendees.

  Adnan, have you planned more which you haven't told us?

- the accommodation of whole DIVA team.

  How many people will this be?  Will it be in our same hotels?  If
  so, I will add them to our hotel numbers.

- Insurance?

  Does insurance costs have to come from 150.000km ?  Do you have an
  estimate fro it?

- Conference Dinner/entertainment?

  Any estimate for its cost?  In some years, this has been scaled down
  due to budgetary issues.  Once I make a budget, we can decide how
  much is feasible to do.

Please send me details about as many of these expenses as possible,
and I will make a budget and tell you what we can afford.

I'm sorry so much has been thrown upon you, we thought that the local
team would be working on most of these things with us, so that we
could help guide things from an early stage.

Thank you for your work on DebConf,

- Richard Darst

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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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