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Re: [Debconf-team] My thoughts on reconfirmation, fundraising, etc


So, I was asked to state my opinion on this matter, as a previous DC
Organizer and all.

In Argentina, we didn't have too many $tourists registering from
outside, due to the long distance flights and all.  But to avoid
$tourists from .ar, what I did was review every non-maintainer from
.ar that registered, and ask them if they would volunteer for work
during the conference.  We had agreed that we would have 30 spots for
these volunteers, so after those places were filled, we didn't allow
any more non-maintainers from .ar.  The plan worked out very well,
only 2 or 3 of these people didn't do the work we were asking from
them, the rest had fun while helping make the conference great (you
might remember how the Front-Desk and a big part of the video-team was
NOT staffed by attendees, but by local volunteers), and some of them
ended up getting more involved in Debian.

Now, it looks like the amount of people in this situation in NYC is
similar, only that the cost per person is almost double what we had
over here (350 USD vs 650 USD), so I can understand that allowing 27
unknown people might look like a lot of money not-well spent.  Also,
these people won't be expecting to do any work, if we don't ask it
from them.

My take on this would be: mail everybody except those 27 people saying
that accom is covered, food is on the way, as Jimmy suggested; mail
these 27 people saying that since they've asked for sponsored
accom+food and we are tight on money, we'd like to know what their
relationship to Debian is, and what their plans for DebConf are,
before confirming that they'll actually get the sponsored accom (and
eventually food).

After that, if we are still "in the hole" as Jimmy put it, herb should
meet and decide what to do about these 27 people, on a case by case
basis.  But asking these people to fill in their info _now_ will speed
things up if a decision is needed, and will also maybe make them think
twice if they are really bold enough to come to NYC for free.


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