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[Debconf-team] Summary of globalteam meeting, 17 March 2010


As announced, there was a globalteam meeting today.


Human summary is below.  Next meeting will be 31 March 20 UTC.


- Richard


DC9 stuff:

- The final report is done for some weeks now.  Richard writes up a
  brief press release/announcement and sends it to -team for approval
  and distribution.

- Sponsor bags for DC9 followup: Pablo will mostly take charge of
  this, and has it underway.  Holger will send the wine.

  Pablo will help DC11 people get involved in fundraising.

- DC9 business is over, except for the things above.

DC11 stuff:

- We have a press release for DC11 selection done, it just needs to be
  sent.  A mail about this was sent to the list recently.  The main
  thing is that someone needs to Make It So if we want to.  Richard
  will prod it.

DC10 stuff:

  There was a localteam meeting, its notes are at

- The localteam set a timeline for DC10 stuff.  Globalteam may not
  have seen it, see http://debconf10.debconf.org/dates.xhtml (it was
  buried at the bottom of the email above).  It also
  discussed various event related things.  A human-made summary of
  those notes would be helpful to have on -team.

  There was a discussion of localteam communicating with the global
  team.  We basically agreed that more stuff should happen on -team
  rather than -localteam, not because we fear things will go wrong, but
  because it will allow sharing of knowledge from previous years, keep
  former global people involved, and provide more opportunity for local
  people to keep involved in future years.  So, we encourage the
  locally-done global things to happen on -team rather than -localteam!

  Attendee sponsorship decisions: Michael Schultheiss will work or
  forming this team, and discussing how to improve the sponsorship
  decisions from past years.  There was a big discussion of sponsorship
  related things 6-8 hours before the meeting in the channel, but
  someone else will need to summarize that.  There is more on this
  topic, hopefully Michael or someone can fill us in.

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 240 days, 3:05
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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