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Re: [Debconf-team] RFC: finalising the DebConf9 schedule, deadline 28 February

I just discussed this more on IRC with h01ger/marga/cek_.  After some
discussion we reached a consensus that with what we know now we could
improve the schedule (before we send out the announcements).

There are really two issues that have been raised recently:

-- What day is best for the conference Open Day (formerly Debian Day). 

ana had previously suggested a weekday might in fact be better.  On IRC,
cek_ agreed with this, saying that people from companies wouldn't come
on the weekend, but no one was likely to *not* come on a weekday.  Thus
the local team's current preferred day for the Open Day is Friday 24th.

-- What day should we start the talks/official DebConf?

After the timeline was originally drafted, we agreed to make Debian Day
this year an 'Open Day' of talks that are interesting to both regular
DebConf attendees and outsiders.  This means that the draft schedule now
has one more day of DebConf talks than was originally intended/than in
the previous years.  (As I said in my last message, this would also
increase costs, and since the 'extra' day is the first Thursday many
attendees may be absent then anyway due to holiday/travel constraints.)
Holger suggested extending Debian Camp rather than the number of days of
talks, and so labelling Thursday 23rd as the arrival day.

That would give:

up to 23rd:     DebCamp continuing for participants
Thursday 23rd:  Arrival day for DebConf, and last day of DebCamp
Friday 24th:    DebConf day 1, also Open Day
Saturday 25th:  DebConf day 2
Sunday 26th:    DebConf day 3: Day Trip
Monday 27th:    DebConf day 4
Tuesday 28th:   DebConf day 5
Wednesday 29th: DebConf day 6
Thursday 30th:  DebConf day 7, last night for sponsored accommodation
Friday 31st:    Cleanup, leave


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