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Re: [Debconf-team] Global team meeting today (Monday), 19 UTC


On Montag, 6. Juli 2009, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
>  * I have assumed the disabled room in MT is suitable for Otavio and
>    his mother. I don't know if this is the case or not for certain, but
>    it's something someone who's been there will have to decide.

No one has actually seen the room yet (because it was always occupied when we 
tried). There is only one bed in it but place for a 2nd. I'm not 100% certain 
the room will still fit for Otavio once the 2nd bed is there, so we need to 
be prepared to a.) immediatly look at the room once we are there b.) have a 
hotel ready close by (with a suitable room), in case the room doesnt fit.

Except for the hassle for Otavio with getting there, wanting a room to rest 
and then finding out it doesnt fit and then having to move to a Hotel, I dont 
expect major problems with that plan, but after 18-24h traveling wouldnt ne 
nice :-/ But I expect that he can then at least use the room for a short 
rest, even if he decides the room doesnt fit for longer.

>  * Do we know how we're going to handle people arriving at FdS? Are
>    there staff present there who can hand out keys based on information
>    we give them or will we need to have volunteers present to do so?

There is staff present, though only during normal business hours I expect. 
Also I dont know if they are willing to do that ;)

>  * Are there likely to be taxis easily available at the train station,
>    even late at night/early in the morning?

Cesar, Anto?


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