Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] SPEAKERS!!! check your talk(s)
Hi all,
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Andreas Tille<> wrote:
> 2009/6/30 David Reyes Samblas Martinez <>:
>> When I first fill up the penta info for the event I have pointed this
>> was a full day event, and nobody has point me this was not possible at
>> debconf,
> It might be a good idea to write some e-mail to debconf-team to
> point out such specific needs. Chances that such comments remain
> unattended in the mass of talks and descriptions are quite high.
> Another reason that your event was regarded as "basically unrelated
> to the topic of the conference" - which does not mean it is not interesting
> in general. So it is in a "we see what we can do about scheduling your
> event state" and consuming a whole day for an event in this state
> seems not fully justified. But we try to see what we can do anyway.
>> now we have the trip closed ad payed, so no posibility to
>> move to Debcamp....
> Well, my hint to ask again one week before DebConf (= at the start of
> DebCamp) has the background that the schedule might be more fixed
> and chances for late changes become smaller. So if it turns out that
> the slot from 18:00 to 19:00 in the BOF room remains empty (and we
> just keep in mind to regard this) we can stretch your event as you
> requested. But at the current state we just have to wait.
> You might notice that the "free space in the schedule" between
> 14:00 and 18:00 is because of the heat in this time of day so it
> is just a break. If you want to attract people you should perhaps
> issue an announcement on debconf-discuss - perhaps people might
> join you in their break. The schedule team will not stop you from
> entering a room - as well as I'm quite positive that you will be able
> to find any other room except the three scheduled rooms to assemble
> all OpenMoko geeks. So there is no real need to claim a full day
> in the official talk rooms if your audience is keen on hearing you they
> will find you.
> Kind regards
> Andreas.
> --
It's possible to made a poll about how many Neos we have to fix?
If they are a lot, we have to think about Full day, but if they are
not as much, maybe we didn't need the room all the day.
What other OpenMokoers think?
Rafael Campos
o0 Methril 0o
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