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[Debconf-team] Sponsorship and Papers committee


Similar to last year we need two committees to decide about sponsorship
(Travel and also Accomodation this year) and the events (talks/papers).

As the way we did it last year worked pretty good I proposed on IRC to
keep it like this and also named people that would fit in them. The
response wasnt negative, so I think it is the way to go, but if you
want to comment on it - feel free, its not yet set in stone. :)

First, the sponsorship team. We had a team of 9 members last year who
took the decision. Most work was done in IRC meetings. It worked similar
to "I post name, status and amount of money requested" to the channel
and everyone gives his opinion as yes/no/maybe/pass. That translates to a
+1,-1,0.5,0 score, which then can be used to sort all people who applied for
sponsorship and then give out money top-down, as long as money is there.

Now, for the members of this team:
 - Joerg Jaspert
 - Moray Allan
 - Holger Levsen
 - Amaya
 - Margarita Manterola
 - Neil McGovern
 - Steve McIntyre
 - Anthony Towns - the DPL part, we had Branden last year. :)
 - Martin Wuertele

Goal here is to have members that are involved with DebConf but also
know Debian and people involved.

Next is the papers committee. The working mode of last year was also
good, so that should also stay the same. A upper limit of 5, maybe 6
members is there. Last year we had 5, so it should work pretty well.

The members for that are

 - Joerg Jaspert
 - Enrico Zini
 - Mark Hymers
 - Bdale Garbee

I am currently waiting for a response from Steve Langasek and Meike
Reichle, they both asked to get some time to think about it.
This selection gets people from the orga team (Mark and me) and people
that have not much to do with the organisation itself in the committee
(all the rest).

bye Joerg
Mal verlierst Du und mal gewinnen die anderen: Immer im Wechsel!

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