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[Debconf-team] good evening al team of the debconf8

it wanted before that all to give them the good evening and especially that have a very happy new year 2007.
on the other hand wanted to send them this letter to form to remove or for withdraw the candidacy of venzuela of the debconf8 since the debconf8 in Venezuela this in hands of people that noson responsible for if same I refer go them lugs wings people that represent in if al sl software free
since if they were organized better they left the hatred they left the classism they left the racism and they left to participate go them demas whose esfuerso has always been protagonico has always been a persistent and constant fight has always been a fight whose meaning has been of a lot of time lost of a lot of sacrifice therefore I say as human being like the person that comenso to see the sl since years ago and since comense to seeing courses of linux therefore me daria tristesa to see as treat go them us users of linux in communities of the sl in Venezuela.
but that all because always there are communities that banean a thing is to throw joke the other is to play the other is like human beings but accustom you humiliate you for the form in which write, they humiliate you for the form in which you espresso, and they humiliate you for all provided that think somewhat different to them therefore they humiliate you and therefore I say they have double face always themselves They carry well to give good image perono is true always is given has given that the communities of the free software walk unstable by things
therefore it wanted to do a formal announcement that truly until further notice they wait for that themselves organisen the communities of the free software in Venezuela to be able to give an opportunity sends them this a Venezuelan that has had that to penetrate in a comundidad of which one says al inexperienced is respected takes care of themselves al inexperienced but where you think and they hate you where feel different things and they hate therefore simply therefore a sample that the communities of the software free they are not well organized in Venezuela therefore I ask them with honor and humility not asepten the candidacy of Venezuela in the debconf8 if not that of another pies until further notice
sinplemente this is not a retalia is not a damage if that is not a new order organizacion alone meant excuse me but this it pair before writing it chat it with me same and therefore wanted to give him a leccion wings communities of the software free aqui in Venezuela paraque leave the hatred paraque leave the discriminacion so that they learn to work in team paraque learn to resolve its differences in And in healthy deal. therefore I say that simply m excuse for this desicion but wanted to cause to arrive although this descend them the animos therefore me gustaria truly to give them a leccion wings people of the software libreen my pies so that leave to participate wings people
Excuse and that have some very good evening. 


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