debconf-team Sep 2006 by subject
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[Debconf-team] [ Visas for visitors Fwd: Travel Visas for 2006 MRS Fall Meeting]]
[Debconf-team] august meeting minutes
[Debconf-team] charset in
[Debconf-team] contacting teviot on monday
Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 7 montly meeting - seeking for proper dates
[Debconf-team] Fwd: minutes of localteam localmeet 2006-09-09 online
[Debconf-team] getting ready for DebConf8
[Debconf-team] Meeting Sessions during the next DebConf (and all others if it works)
[Debconf-team] Other conferences
[Debconf-team] SSL Certificates
[Debconf-team] Why isn't there DebConf2? What happened?
The last update was on 09:51 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 24 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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