Re: [Debconf-team] alternative ways of funding debconf
Andreas Schuldei dijo [Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 09:34:21PM +0200]:
> Please try to not think black and white. i am fully aware of the
> whole contact thing and committing. But if we have a choice we
> would be silly not to use it. we could very well tell both venues
> that the conf will be in sarajevo *and* that there is an other
> possible option for us. it will just help them to offer us a
> better package and give us the possibility to consider the
> options more carefully. making a decision before we have to does
> not really help us anything, and they have those timeframes for a
> good reason: at that time they need/can to make alternative
> plans and still not loose money if they dont pick us. And even IF
> they take an other event at a given time we still can move a week
> back or forth without any disadvantage to us or to them.
> It is not like we should/could wait untill may or june... i was
> thining more of beginning of the year 2007.
Besides, we can ask both places for a maximum date of committment for
the prices they are offering. Or for the possibility of a revokable
contract, for a small extra fee - Say, dorms cost X and hotel cost
Y. We pay them X/5 and Y/5 as the first payment, and if we cancel, we
get back 90% of what we gave. Or something like that. It is important
to keep the flexibility until we have a closer look on reality!
BTW, I don't know if I told you, but on May 3 I got a call from Club
Dorados Oaxtepec, just in front of the main Oaxtepec entrance,
offering us to host the conference at their hotel for a slightly
smaller fee. Of course, I had to laugh.
Gunnar Wolf - - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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