Re: [Debconf-team] alternative ways of funding debconf
On Tuesday 04 July 2006 20:32, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> way. Actually in sarajevo we would have the possibility to hold
> both options (dorm AND hotel) open without loosing either one and
> could reconsider the money situation later when we come closer to
> the conference. If people by then made serious "donations" we
> could go for the hotel, otherwise we still have the dorm which we
> can swing on our own (together with our sponsors).
> _______________________________________________
> Debconf-team mailing list
This is true up to a certain point in time, I mean, these venues cannot wait
for us to choose one of them forever. We would need to make our choice some
months in advance and sign precontracts which obliges them and us to respect
what we argee upon. Otherwise, in case of a Hotel and Dorm, they could not
guarantee us exat dates for the conference, since they have other
guests/conferences esspecially during summer.
So we would have to make our choice reasonably in advance.
Should we get chosen to host, we can check with the venue managers when would
be the last date for us to sign precontracts and make our decision on the
venue. Although, this is not practical in my opinion, and it makes the whole
thing more ambiguos and adds to uncertainty for Hotel/Dormitory/Cultural
Centre people and for the local team.
I am all for making choices within next one or two months, so we can plan
normaly in advance and have some legal papers to work with.
Dojdov pak tajno moja, zvezda prakam da te povika...
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