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dns requirements + network setup (Re: Network.


On Wednesday 22 June 2005 11:09, Kimmo Laaksonen wrote:
> Some technical details: we'll register all IP addresses
> within your subnet into HUT DNS's with a "generic" name
> like aXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.debconf.hut.fi. These can be updated
> (at least for servers) later. Just mail to hostmaster@hut.fi.
> I'll let you know the IP's ASAP. I'll include the addresses
> reserved for routers. They'll have our "standard" names in DNS
> without debconf. The routers (with Cisco HSRP enabled) usually
> take 3 addresses; probably we'll allocate the first 3 in
> the subnet.
> HUT DNS servers are at IP's &
> HUT NTP service is at IP
> You'll have to set up a DHCP server. We strongly suggest that
> you set up it so that the participants get a fixed IP bound
> to their Ethernet MAC address, say at the registration.
> No dynamic pool, please. Some of the premises are open to
> general public, and you wouldn't want to watch out for
> non-participants. (IP bound to MAC is a very weak security
> measure, but the lack of dynamic pool makes it at least
> harder to get instant access.)

To have FAI working smoothly, we'll need DNS under our control or with our 
entries. (Because the easiest way of assigning FAI classes is by DNS.)

I did not fully understand, wether we can/have to setup our own DNS-server or 
if we'll have to use HUT's. Could you please clarify this in the meeting 
today ?! 

In case we'll have to use theirs, we won't need to change the configuration 
that often - we'll only have to let them set it up - which might become 
difficult as july 2nd+3rd are saturday+sunday and I expect them to leave 
somewhat earlier on friday, the 1st.

An additional problem would be, if we would have to use their DHCP-servers. 
(As we dont have/know all servers -> MAC adresses yet.) But from what I've 
read, we'll run our own dhcp.

Hmmm... if we (only) control dhcp, a static assignment of ip-addresses to 
names would work. We (/me..) could have this list ready by friday (july 1st) 
morning - so please ask "them" if they could+would update the DNS on 
friday... if we also control our dns, fine.

This requirements are for installation and maintainance updates, that is I 
want the running servers to meet those requirements to be able to update 
their configuration with FAI while the servers are running. So this goes for 
smökki and otaz.

If we have different network settings in the CSD (we're afaik only laptops 
will be operated), that's no problem. (Then we just wont be able to install 
and update the laptops there...)

Thanks for your efforts!

Oh and btw, I guess we'll have to give up the idea, that we tell participants 
to bring their own APs to setup a wireless network in the dorms ? So no wlan 
in the dorms or will the intel APs cover that or should we bring our 
own ?? :)


P.S.: if all fails, we can assign FAI classes by MAC addresses... but that's a 
little ugly and more work...

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