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[Debconf-team] Re: wishlist features for the organizer interface of comas

Andreas Schuldei dijo [Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 11:07:17PM +0100]:
> i would like the participant search and display extended in order
> to display even the requested sponsorship amounts by each
> participant.

Added it, but it gets too wide and breaks the display... Are you sure
we want that in the main listing? 

> furthermore i would like a field to enter the ok'ed amount of
> sponsorhip. (munin should pick up the overall sum of ok'ed
> sponsorship, too. but that is a differnt story)


> for sending out mass-mailings to a certain subgroup of
> paritcipants i would like to be able to select larger groups of
> paritipants (by search criteria plus including/excluding
> some individuals) plus a text to send to them.

Ugh, mass mailings... That is still pending. But yes, that'd be

> some texts in the proposals have really awkward linebreaks, when
> submitters did not enter the paragraphs in one long line but
> entered linebreaks themselfs (and these linebreaks dont fit the
> width of our text field). can we fix that and remove those
> linebreaks in a smart way?

That would be good, but you will anyway break something... We can
format it as HTML, but we'd lose the paragraphs information for those
who separated long-lined paragraphs with line-breaks :) I don't have
an answere for this.

> for fast reading the text field of the abstract is too short. can
> it be bigger? will we need to edit it? it could just be
> displayed in full length, perhaps?

Huh? Well, in the proposals rating it is 70 cols, 40 rows... Longer
than that would be too much for most proposals. I can make the field
non-editable, but we'd also lose something that way.

> further more i notice that we dont have the range of choices
> regarding wireless that we had last year when people needed to
> specify what kind of computer they brought. this is a step back.
> could some go through the old interface and pick up all the smart
> things we did last time and port them to this year's interface?
> This is the easiest way we have to improve the interface, so we
> should use it *really well*!

Hummm... What are we missing? Connectivity type? Yes, that's
important. I have added it - People who had reported they had a laptop
were marked as "with wireless"... Of course, we should verify all this
later - Anyway, most people have not stated whether they bring their
own system or not.

> i would like other people beside gunnar to work on this, so that
> mroe get involved in comas. this would be an excellent entry
> point for future organizers (greek, england, south tirol...) 

Yes, that's a very important point. I am VERY short on time. I'm not
letting you down, and I'll do my best... But I need more time, and
more people working on this would be great help.

> Gunnar, please set aside time to be available to peoples
> questions regarding this. i would consider this one of your top
> priorities (coaching others regarding improving comas, that is). 

Yes, of course. Comas is not that complicated, the problem is I have
short bursts of time to work on it. If you read most of the code, it's
quite easy to follow. The front-end code is harder to understand, but
it's still not such a big deal. And count on me explaining any parts
of it! I'm basically online all day long, even if I'm not in any IRC
channels. The next three weeks (specially Dec 23-28, as I'll be on
real vacations) I won't be online as much as I use to, but anyway, I
should be findable :)

(late) Greetings!

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)1451-2244 / 5623-0154
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