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Letter sent to HUT.

FYI, this is the letter sent to HUT/Otaniemi to request help.


My name is Jesus Climent and I represent the Debian Project [1], a
non-profit organisation which aims to create a universal and free
operative system, based on the Linux and BSD kernels with the GNU

For the last 5 years we have been organising a week of conferences in
different countries, with the objective of meeting the people we work
with from all around the world [2].

Some companies involved in the development of Debian GNU/Linux and
Debian GNU/BSD are helping the organisation of this year's event, by
providing support for food and housing. Enterprises like Nokia, HP, IBM
and others have already agreed to fund us in some way or another.

This year we are organising such event in Finland, and we have already
agreed with TKY to rent a complete building to host the expected 200
developers which will attend from all over the globe, from July the 1st
to the 18th (although the Official period for the conferences is

Because the Debian Project doesn't engage in commercial activities, the
organisation of Debconf relies completely on donations from
well-wishers. A modest sponsorship by HUT would not only help Debian
immensely but would reap huge dividends in terms of goodwill in the
Linux community at large.

Therefore, I (representing the Organisation Committee) would like to
apply for HUT to provide some of the CS Department facilities, which
otherwise we would need to rent from HUT.

We would need the 2 main auditoriums and some extra rooms, which were
already discussed with Mr. Heikki Arppe. A more concrete and detailed
description of the actual needs will be sent shortly after we receive a
positive answer on the will of HUT to help our organisation.

I have already contacted Heikki Arppe together with Heikki Saikkonen and
they would support the request.

[1] More information about our goals, status and ongoing projects can be
found under http://www.debian.org/

[2] More information about the previous events, along with the
conferences presented there, can be found from http://www.debconf.org/

Thanks for your time,

Jesus Climent
Debian Developer

PS: Please, consider giving me a phone call if you consider necessary to
meet in person to clarify any of the points expressed in my mail. You
can find me available at 0504823805.

Jesus Climent                                      info:www.pumuki.org
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.6.10|Helsinki Finland
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69

I fell asleep in my shithole apartment and I woke up in an actual shithole.
		--Adam (Saw)

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