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Re: Interest in off-site, full-time child-care at DebConf15

On 06/04/15 13:24, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Sebastian Silva <sebastian@fuentelibre.org> [2015-04-06 20:07 +0200]:
>> So, the closer we have our children to us, the easier it will be
>> for both my wife and I to focus on the sprint and the conference.
> What sort of proximity are we talking about? The organisers of this
> "Forest Pedagogy", as you call it, have made it quite clear that
> they do not want the kids to return to their parents or be visited
> by their parents on a regular basis. They are intending to spend
> independent time with them and I am sure you well know that it costs
> a lot of time to split parents and kids, which is why they want to
> do that once only, ideally.

Please bear with me as I was trying to be constructive.

I called it 'Forest Pedagogy' because that's what I read from the website in German.
"He.du. Natur steht für das Team um die zertifizierte Waldpädagogin Helga Duczek.".

> (obviously, in case of need, this is not a hard requirement…)
> Does this make sense? If this is a showstopper for you, then please
> be aware that the venue is child-friendly by itself and we could
> have babysitters there. So the "forest pedagogy" is really just an
> optional add-on…

Thanks for making it so.
We're confident our children are venue-friendly as well.

In answer to your question to assess interest: We cannot commit our children to this programme in advance.

Your dedication to making this event friendly for parents is very much an inspiration for us to replicate in SugarCamp events we like to organize. We have much to learn from you.

Since our work involves children and Debian, we hope to contribute to this list and the event in other ways as well.

Our participation at Heidelberg will be invaluable for our community and, I'm confident, useful to Debian at large.

I+D SomosAzucar.Org

"icarito" at Freenode #sugar #somosazucar

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