Re: Deadline for eCode for VISA is Jun 13
have ommitted Jonas, listmaster and you. Obviously we are making more
noise for listmaster when he has already better things to do . I guess
all the responders to the thread are already subscribed to the list
hence sharing it with the thread only. If not, just tell and will CC
the people who ask for it.
More below -
On 14/06/2018, Harlan Lieberman-Berg <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 8:40 PM, shirish शिरीष <>
> wrote:
>> From the conversation with her, she admitted she realized her mistake the
>> moment she hit the send button but till then the damage was already
>> done :( .
> Specifically for those of us using gmail, I highly suggest enabling
> the "undo" feature that gives you a certain period of time to go,
> "wait, no, don't send that!".
> (Note, this is not the horrible Outlook "recall message" brain damage
> that only works with Exchange; it simply delays sending your emails
> out for ~30-60 seconds to allow you time to cancel.)
> --
> Harlan Lieberman-Berg
> ~hlieberman
Dear Harlan,
I hope it doesn't degenerate into which mail services or methods are
better so apologies beforehand.
The 'undo send' feature works only if you use the AJAX - based backend
i.e. rather than the ' basic view
html backend ' . I use the
'Drafts' feature and usually let replies sit for sometime before
sending them off. I know that doesn't work in a high-volume mail
sending and answering session but then nothing does. Even the 'undo
send' feature that you mentioned only works till 30 seconds only.
Only the most 'alert' people would be able to catch it in time. I
usually try to have a buffer of doing mails having an hour after doing
my morning ablutions and stop an hour or bit more before falling
asleep. But even this I understand is a luxury that many don't have,
especially with our 24x7 work lifestyles.
I was hoping that disroot (webmail) would be the answer but unless
they get the threading and conversation mode right, it is useless to
me currently.
I had tried thunderbird and a couple of more GUI-based mail clients in
the past couple of years but had to reject all of them as each of
these mail clients used to lock up for one or the other reason.
Thunderbird being the most stable but still they had issues going back
a decade or more but that's a different topic altogether. I didn't
try emacs but then it has a bit of learning curve, but the same can be
said of vi/vim.
Anyways, what's done is done, we better move on for now .
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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