Re: Deadline for eCode for VISA is Jun 13
at bottom :-
On 14/06/2018, Jonas Smedegaard <> wrote:
> Quoting Kartik Kulkarni (2018-06-13 23:42:34)
>> I just wanted to inform you that you did a lame job of sending your
>> personal information on a group message, though I seriously doubt
>> anyone here you misuse your information, I would like to ask you to
>> contact the admin for Debian for removal of your message from the
>> public archive
>> maybe
>> any mentors could help you with that, and make sure to be careful next
>> time, cheers.
> Those a good suggestions, Kartik (if a bit harshly put initially). For
> future sake, remember to trim your quote to omit the private info.
> - Jonas
> --
> * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
> * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
> [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private
Dear Jonas and Karthik,
I was on-hand when the mail message appeared, I e-mailed her and the
listmaster so they can look to removing her message and guess now
Karthik's mail as well :(
Although I guess the damage is already done as I guess the mail
probably would have gone to 400+ subscribers who are interested in
debconf this year . Others would be archives like gmane and others on whom probably debian
lists removal would have little to no impact.
The only lesson we can draw from this is we have to be extra careful,
judicial when sending messages on a public platform. From the
conversation with her, she admitted she realized her mistake the
moment she hit the send button but till then the damage was already
done :( .
Till later amigos.
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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