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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Packaging for beginners - expert wanted

I was planning something inbetween "for completely beginners" and "I
packaged gcc", with the intent of showing fun stuff to both parts of the

There's a lot of things about packaging that can be said, and most of it
is very well documented already - so I do not plan to go into the very
gory details there, but show an example or two instead, so people will
get the hang of it.

Once they have the hang of it, they can always consult the documentation
later, if they wish to know more; or, find me or anyone else with
suitable packaging knowledge, and just ask them.

Contrary to Enrico, I'd ask interested people to NOT read the
documentation just yet. It's a bit dry and boring, and can be
dishartening at first: it is a *lot* of text to wade through. Even
Lucas' excellent packaging-tutorial is a lot to read in an overnight.

Instead, I propose to show interesting things, and explain the very
basic parts briefly (but in detail enough to be understandable), and
show that packaging can be a fun and rewarding experience.

If and when I succeed, the brain-washed victims^W^Waudience can go out
and read the documentation, knowing that in the end, reading through
that big pile of text is going to be worth it. It is also easier to
digest, once one had first-hand experience with packaging.

(Now if I only had an idea how to achieve this... but alas, the night is
long, and the talk isn't scheduled yet, so I'm going to be just fine! :)


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