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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Update your info in penta if you asked for sponsorship


On Samstag, 25. April 2009, Hector Colina wrote:
> I have a question... I'm asked about sponsorship but only for food and
> room... ¿Do I need to fill it?

Yes, please. Depending how long you attend this will still cost between 200 
and 500 EUR and we want to make sure we spend this money wisely for Debian.

You don't have to write long texts, just helping us evaluating if you do 
useful work. We will check anyway, but it's easier to check if you know what 
to look for :-)

"I maintain package1 and package2 and want to attend DebConf to get to know 
the people in person" is perfect. Likewise is "I translated the release 
manual to $language_X and want to get more into Debian."

Think for yourself what you do useful things for Debian and briefly write that 


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