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Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] The now traditional Cheese and Wine party (formal announcement)

Quoting Michael Schultheiss (schultmc@debian.org):
> Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
> > I did not bring any Swiss cheese (fear of stinking cheese by summer 
> > temperatures and long trip). But I would like to sponsor some local cheese.
> > Or better: if there are some other volunteers, we could go
> > to a market/cheese shop, taste some cheese and buy the better ones.
> I also didn't bring any cheese with me due to my long trip.  I wouldn't
> mind buying some locally.

The core cheese team (Eddy Petrisor, Michal Cihar, Moray Allan,
Nicolas François and myself as of now) will assemble tomorrow at 11:00
in order to examine the cheese situation..:-)

We anyway have already considered going to seek for local cheese, more
or less whatever happens.

So, I suggest that people who want to joint us in a cheese shopping
party just pop up at 11:00 at Front Desk tomorrow. As a reward, you'll
get the title of core cheese team member and a few centilitres of my 2000
Montagne St-Emilion will be reserved for you.

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