Re: [Debconf-discuss] (Mobile) IP Connectivity in Spain
On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 00:53 +0200, David Moreno wrote:
> On Jul 22, 2009, at 4:09 PM, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> > You could try movistar (owned by Telefonica). I was in a movistar shop
> > in the morning and was after a SMS card but bought a mobile phone
> > for 20
> > Euros to call my wife in Barcelona for 1 cent per minute. It was
> > cheaper
> > to buy the mobile phone to make calls within Spain.
> At the Tabacos shop at Barajas I was able to get a SIM card from Happy
> Móvil that is carried by Orange, apparently. It's nice, but it has no
> data (3G, Edge, or anything) support and my phone is stupid without it.
> So, two things, where's that Movistar store? And, do people know if I
> can get a SIM card with prepaid cards recharging that also has 3G/EDGE?
The YOIGO card I got for €20 does 3G and had €20 of credit on it.
Charges for use of 3G seem to stop after €1.20 each day (or less if I
only use it a very little). I saw a YOIGO advert on a phone shop in the
building at the end of Plaza Mayor, where the Caja Extremadura building
is, but I don't know if they sell them there.
> Also, if I'm able to get such a SIM card, I offer to trade the Happy
> Móvil SIM card worth €10 (with still €3+ credit in it) for a cerveza
> pint :-D
> > I can go with you. The shops open at 17:00 in the afternoon.
> Don't they open early morning? :-\
Yeah, no doubt then too, and probably close for siesta at 14h00 :-)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Porirua, New Zealand
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