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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Anyone had success with tgv-europe.de?

Wookey <wookey@wookware.org> wrote:
> +++ Christian Perrier [2009-05-10 09:00 +0200]:
> > My guess is that there is no Prem's fare left for July 31st and this
> > is badly detected by the crappy voyages-sncf.com web site 
> On http://www.raileurope.co.uk/ the cheapest tickets (£81 (which is
> close to EUR88)) are still available both ways (I just checked). i.e
> £162 both ways (EUR180)

Has anyone booked that rate on their own?

I believe that raileurope.co.uk is the same booking system as "the
crappy voyages-sncf.com" and behaves in a similar way.  It will show
you the cheapest tickets, then error out with a misleading "offline
for essential maintenance" when you try to checkout with them and
they're not available to you.  It only errors after you have entered
passenger names.

It will even show you rates such as the special for four-to-six people
sharing a cabin booking together, even if you are only one person who
can't possibly qualify for that rate.

One of the biggest barriers to rail replacing air are that the SNCF
monopoly of booking websites for journeys through France are worse
than the worst of the airline booking sites.

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who perseveres and books a ticket
somehow, but you may find it's worth using a rail ticket agent.
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