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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Sauna, Pool, Gym and running

Quoting Margarita Manterola (marga@debian.org):

> I was thinking of 8:00 or maybe 8:30, so that we could run for an hour,
> have a shower and still make it to breakfast.  But I guess that it's better
> to ask those interested.

I'm among those interested people, for sure.

I tend to run at various times in the day. Generally, early morning is
OK. 08:00 makes it faily late for people who don't want to miss the
earlier talks so I'd suggest 07:30. However, from what I remember from
earlier Debconfs and, except at the very beginning when half of the
people are still jetlagged, that doesn't bring that many people..:-)

So, we might maybe schedule some late runs as well, at the end of the
day or so.

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