Re: [Debconf-discuss] Pick-pockets (sub-title: I had been warned).
On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 18:49 +0200, Franklin PIAT wrote:
> Suddenly, to nice couple of people told me that I had a bird dropping on
> my back. They offered some help to remove it.
Unfortunately this scheme is known in many cities around the world. :(
I guess there are better pages describing the tricks played on tourists,
but here's an article with some of the more common ones:
(Another category of trick that article seems to miss, though I have no
idea if it ever happens in Argentina, is locals who apparently make
friends with tourists, then lead them to a bar which at the end of the
evening demands payment of a ridiculously high bill -- the 'friendly'
locals obviously collude with the bar owners on this.)
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