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[Debconf-discuss] Debian Tartan: Last call before we weave

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Hi Folks,

Sorry if you're fed up with this already, but I'd rather bore a few people
than have someone miss out, since a) we have a deadline to meet for
DebConf7, and b) there's a 300.00 GBP weaving set-up fee that people will
have to pay if they were wanting something made in Debian Tartan but miss
the first weaving run.

So, if you were considering it, now's the time to decide, and tell me
you're interested -- I'll be mailing all the people who've already
contacted me soon after sending this, so if you don't get a mail and
thought you were on my list, please get in touch.

The design we're going for is here:


and the idea behind the tartan design is mentioned here:


The basic costs for kilts etc, are:

  Hand-sewn, 8 yard kilt:			£420.00 GBP
  Machined, 6-yard kilt: 			£270.00 GBP
  Machined, 4-yard, skirt-kilt (lady's): 	£237.50 GBP

[those kilts can fit up to a 46" seat size -- if your bum or waist is
bigger than that you'll need an extra yard, at 30.00 for machined.  Not
sure for hand-sewn price, I'll find out if need be.  No idea what the deal
with skirts is, but can find out]

Other things can be made, such as waistcoats.  Since AJ asked, Apparently
it would be possible to make ties out of this material, although it's
rather heavy for a tie.  If people are interested, it apparently takes 1.5
yards of material to provide enough to get the right diagonal, out of which
there should be enough for 3 ties, and making them up costs 13.00 per tie,
so if 3 were required it would cost about 25.50 GBP per tie.

The cloth itself is 25.00 per yard, and is woven in a strip about 33" wide,
so if you wanted to just buy some cloth to make up something yourself, that
too is a possibility.  People have mentioned wanting to make Tam O'Shanters
and mini-skirts among other things.

Anyway, I need to get the order in by the end of the week, so stop
dithering and get in touch if you're interested.

Cheers, Phil.
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