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Re: don't bring your APs to HEL

Le Jeudi 30 Juin 2005 00:26, martin f krafft a écrit :
> > I guess the thing their IT staff really wants to prevent is
> > outsiders accessing the universtity network. Just using the MAC of
> > a user already logged in is one of the easiest things to get
> > access...
> Yeah, it's at least not any harder than just walking into the
> building and asking someone for the access data. I work in
> a university environment, such things happen *all* *the* time.

We've not had any such problem so far (using WPA on campus). People can 
only connect with their personnal login/password/MAC_address combo. So 
they won't give it away to anybody. If someone do (and know they also 
have to give their MAC address...), (s)he'll be the one in trouble 
(trouble meaning no more Internet connection, wireless nor wired) if a 
problem occur.

Of course, if connections settings were the same for every one, that 
would probably not work.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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