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Re: no schedules til the day before ?

Erinn Clark dijo [Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 10:54:33AM -0400]:
> I think it's insane. 
> What's up with the way the speakers are being treated? First we didn't
> find out until much later that our talks were accepted, then we weren't
> given a deadline for turning in our papers (which have luckily had their
> required length reduced -- good thing, since we have a week to finish
> them) and now we won't find out when we're talking until the day before?
> I understand that the organizers want the people at the talks to enjoy
> themselves (by having printed papers about the talks, organizing things
> in such a way that there is maximum benefit for the audience) but this
> is sort of sub-optimal and stressful for the speakers.

Yes, this raises many issues... But it is all part of a greateer
plan/experiment: We want people to miss as few talks as possible
(given that there _will_ be concurrent talks). 

What have we done for this?

Don sent me (have to recognize this: Quite a few weeks ago) a patch to
allow you all to vote for the proposals you want to attend. Now, I
just made it available today (don't think of this mail as an official
announcement - that announcement will be made later today ;-) ). From
the output of your votes, a couple of days before Debconf we will
prepare the final schedule - And I hope we will not have to adjust
that schedule at all afterwards.

So, people, swarm together! Go, run, vote for your proposals! This
will _not_ discard any of them, this will just make sure you don't
miss anything you want to see! (well... For a generic definition of
"you" - Some people, of course, will find the schedule
suboptimal... But they will be as few as possible)



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